How to lose weight without exercise? This question always becomes an interesting question. Those who are overweight want to lose their weight fast and easily. Most of the experts will suggest them to do exercise in order to lose their weight. The problem is; not many people like or are able to do exercise.

Based on some journals and articles that I read, I found there are many ways that you can do it if you want to lose weight fast without exercise.

1. Consume Less Sugar

Many experts warn us to be careful of sugar. If you consume a lot, this can be the reason for obesity and diabetes. Sugar is part of carbohydrates which contain high calories. When you consume sugar, your body will burn it into energy. But, the unused sugar will be saved by your body as fat.

Another reason why you have to consume less sugar because it increases the level of the hormone ghrelin which is responsible for increasing hunger. The impact is you will eat more. As a result, your weight will increase.

In fact, there are many other reasons why consuming sugar will make you fat. In order to lose your weight fast without exercise, the easiest way is by reducing sugar consumption. You may avoid food that is contained by a lot of sugars like cakes, donuts, sweet drinks, etc.

2. Drink Mineral Water More

The second easiest way to lose weight without exercise is you have to drink mineral water more. If you are the kind of person who likes to consume soft drinks or coke, you have to lessen it, if you can stop consuming it, it will be way better. You may drink mineral water instead.

Consuming mineral water will help you to lose your weight fast without exercise. How can it be like that? Well, there is a research from Clinical Nutrition Research, drinking water before eating will reduce the calories. It is because the brain will give a signal to your body that you are full enough. Automatically, it gets rid of hunger.

Furthermore, consuming mineral water increases your body metabolism. How can? According to, mineral water stimulates thermogenesis or body heat which forces the body to release the energy out. The more energy released by the body, the faster metabolism occurs in your body.

The increase of metabolism in your body will impact your weight because the fat will be processed as well as energy and you will lose that fat faster.

3. Chew Your Food Slowly

I believe this one will be considered as a joke when I say if you want to lose your weight fast and without exercise, you have to chew your food slowly. It sounds like a joke, doesn’t it? Well, Let me explain more.

Experts say that when you eat your food slowly, the feeling of full will come fast, then you are going to stop eating earlier.It is because by eating slowly you will be led to have more drinks. As a consequence, the calories which come to your body will be lowered.

This way has been examined in many researches. Many facts revealed that chewing your food slowly will help you to lose your weight. It has been proven. So, do not hesitate to try it!

4. Consume More Proteins And Fibers

If you are still confused about what food contains proteins and fibers. I will let you know the simple one. You can get proteins from meat, fish, and beans. Meanwhile, fibers is provided by fruit and vegetables. Since we were kids, we were taught to consume balanced food in order to make our body healthy.

Consuming high amounts of proteins is the action which increases the metabolism in your body. Based on research that is done by the experts, having a lot of proteins in our body effectively burns the calories around 80 to 100 calories. Proteins force our body to burn the calories to maximum. 

Another function of proteins in your body is to increase the GLP-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin. Their role in our body is as satiety hormones. Thus, It means if you have a lot of proteins in your body, you will eat less food and it will help you to lose your weight easier.

Another food which is important to help you to lose weight is food which contains fibers.

Naturally, fibers will help you to lose your weight fast and without exercise. This could happen because consuming fibers will make your stomach full without adding calories to your body. How could it be? Fibers will fill in the space of your stomach and trick your brain that you are full enough.

5.  Eat Your Food By Using Small Plate

Another way to make you lose your weight without exercise is by using the small plate as your food receptacle. 

There is one thing that most of the time becomes the reason why many people get overweight. That is the habit of eating. When it comes to hunger, most people usually eat their food excessively. It  is supported by how big the plate that they use when eating their food.

There is research which finds that if you use a big plate to eat, you will eat with a large amount of food, it is vice versa if you eat your food with a small plate. They said the big plate will make your food portion look small. On the contrary, when you use the small plate, it will manipulate your brain that you have had enough food.

6. Have A Quality Sleep

All the advice mentioned above on how to lose your weight fast without exercise will be nothing if this last important advice is not applied. Having a quality sleep will complete your fight to have an ideal body weight.

The quality and quantity of sleep determine how the metabolism in your body works. The lack of quality sleep increases the desire to eat more food with high calories and carbohydrates. If you do not get your quality sleep, it will be hard for you to lose your weight even though you do your best to lose weight.

If you really want to lose your weight fast without exercise, you must at least get seven hours of sleep a day. 

Now, by reading this article, you know how to lose your weight fast without exercise. The key to success in losing weight is discipline to follow and apply those ways mentioned above. 

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